It's the future, Jim, but not as we know it...

There's more to tomorrow than robots, flying cars, and a faster internet.
22C+ is all about Deep Futures, futures that matter. Welcome to futures fantastic, unexpected, profound, but most of all deeply meaningful...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Working and Learning with Marcus T. Anthony

Marcus T Anthony's new web site and blog can be found at:
Spiritual Insight with Marcus T. Anthony (PhD)
Marcus' remarkable talent enables him to intuit the big issues in your life, the major challenges, your strengths and your weaknesses. He hit so many salient points it was as if he were peering into our souls. We followed his advice and the situation resolved itself.
Trish MacGreggor, co-author of The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity

My main goal is to help people empower their lives and live their dreams. I use a powerful intuitive method, spiritual insight, to get right to the heart of problems, and help people find the right path to their ideal future. Spiritual insight can help heal the psychological and spiritual issues that may be holding you back. Twenty years ago I discovered I had natural clairvoyant abilities, and since that time I have developed those abilities further by working with advanced spiritual teachers. An important motivation for me is to teach people how to find their true calling using their own natural, intuitive gifts. You already have them. You just need to know how to use them. I conduct sessions in person in Hong Kong. For those outside of Hong Kong, sessions can be done by phone, Skype, or email. 

All those who do any of the personal sessions will also receive a free copy of my e-book Extraordinary Mind.

Soul Purpose Readings: This personal one-on-one process is for people looking to move forward, align their lives with the deeper needs of their spirit, and develop personal empowerment. Your 'Soul Purpose' is what you are here on Earth to learn. These readings will benefit people at turning points in their lives, or facing recurring professional, creative or emotional issues. The process will help you:
·        Identify your soul gifts and personal strengths.
·        Discover the best way to achieve success for you.
·        Identify and heal the Soul Issues which lie at the core of your life journey, and which may sabotage your hopes and dreams.
·        Clarify your soul needs, and learning how to actualise them.
·        Connect with and heal your inner child.
·        Learn to use your innate intuition to achieve success.

Fees: In person or Skype: HK$1000 (US$130) - usually 1 hour.

Soul Purpose Readings for couples: For couples wishing to create more loving and harmonious relationships. They are particularly useful for couples who have recurring problems which they cannot get to the bottom of. Couples sessions are for those wishing to continue their relationships and move them to a more blissful level. These personal sessions can also be done for friendships, parent-child relationships and other kinds of relationships. The process may center upon:

• Identify and acknowledge the strengths within your relationship. 
• Uncover the psychic projections which prevent harmonious relationships developing, and which lie behind many arguments and conflicts.
• Develop your intuitive skills, to help you and your partner take greater responsibility for emotional energy, with the goal of becoming more loving to one another.
• Uncover the trapped emotional energy from childhood and past lives which prevents truly loving relationships from developing.

Fees: In person or Skype, HK$1000 (US$130) - usually 1 hour.

Public Talks
Dr Anthony is highly entertaining and knowledgeable public speaker. He has conducted talks on a wide range of Futures-related issues. In particular his talks focus upon:

• Integrated Intelligence and human consciousness evolution
• Education and the teaching of intuitive and spiritual ways of knowing
• Integrated Inquiry (intuitive methods for researchers and re-discovering the passion of learning)
• Futures Studies
• The Futures of China and Asia
Fees: Variable according to location, venue and time.

What others are saying about Marcus

Marcus Anthony reads energy. This remarkable talent enables him to intuit the big issues in your life, the major challenges, your strengths and your weaknesses. After our computers were hacked, Marcus offered to do a reading on the situation, and my husband and I were blown away. He hit so many salient points it was as if he were peering into our souls. We followed his advice and the situation resolved itself.
Trish MacGreggor, co-author of The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity, USA

Marcus is an exceptionally gifted psychic who at the same time has his feet firmly on the ground - not to mention a great sense of humour. In a compassionate and non-judgmental way, he shows you and shares with you the deeper reality that underlies our everyday world: the feelings and influences that we're unaware of or try to keep hidden, even from ourselves. Highly recommended to anyone facing difficult choices or dogged by unhappiness in their personal or working lives.
Simon Buckland, Wall Street Institute, London

I have had the pleasure of attending a series of workshops and a private readings by Marcus, which I found both informative and inspiring. His insight and interpretation of the situation was remarkable to say the least. His knowledge and energy silenced any doubts within and begins to put you on your own spiritual path. Marcus truly come from a place of understanding and through his own experiences helping others explore their soul and innate intuition.
Dr Alick Lau, Brisbane, Australia 
Marcus did energy channeling for me and I was amazed at how accurate he was. He helped me to understand the situation that I was in and helped me to go through one of the most difficult times in my life. I also attended an intuition course which was conducted by Marcus. It was a very interesting course and Marcus was able to explain the intuition in a simple and easy to understand manner. Thanks Marcus.
Devi Syarif, Hong Kong

To book a personal session, workshop or talk, contact Dr Anthony: mindfutures at gmail dot com.


  1. Hi Marcus,
    Do you have a list of fees?
    Perhaps some of my contacts could benefit from your services, let's see.
    Best wishes,

  2. Thanks for reminding me about that, Karl. I will write them in. The processes can be done with me personally, or via phone, or even email.
